on the first day, i am sitting beside the last.
lifting a tissue from its box
and passing it to myself
As she drives on home
through the radio’s silence
she is listening to someone
hoping to hear them, say it clearly
so she can say it back
And later
softly to ourselves
and today when it is gray the radiator will not stop muttering to itself and i want it to shut the fuck up.
it is hissing so softly, sputtering steam, doing its job, making heat for me, and i never complain to the windows who leak cold air through their cracks because i guess i just prefer it all to happen in silence, so silence i will get while i freeze on up and as i die i will blame it on radiator
i do not wake to boys in bed
but i will wake up next to him
morning light,
do not wonder what he is thinking
know what he is not.
know us yesterday,
wearing lace as the pride on our sleeves,
shooting from the same glass,
gleaming with the same gloss,
sleeping still.
for the next day when we rise,
the pink will still be on his lips
and when it leaves them
it comes,
it stays with me
There are others
And there is you
Contours cut from the purest white marble
Dancing for a possibility at having no fear
This year
There is more life across John than I have ever known
This will not change me
The romance of vignetted silhouettes
Horizontally sliced by plastic blinds
It will just make me more aware than ever that I know you
And not what you are thinking
2. There is a staunch and marked silence in the moment you understand you are misunderstood
I built a house inside of myself at the center of a field who knows nothing and no one but me
It will stand still as things roll slowly from dawn to duskscription text goes here
all we have are holograms and tin cans on mile-long strings and hinge and luck
all i asked for was one speck of your dust
while i melted gooey down your printless fingertips until i was not myself,
i was counting upon my own
"one more day until i will get to know you"
until days started sailing like leaves
forming piles of "she loves me"s and "she loves me not"s
wading heavy honey
how many times will i let you break my heart?
how much of me is spent while waiting for morning to come and tell me what to do?
because nothing seems clearer than what is cast in bruised blue
3:11, interrogated by a streetlamp peering inside my window asking
what is it that i even want?
your answer,
i'll have it
What if I told you
You have provided
The gift
Of speaking to the might-as-well-be-dead?
My could have,
My should have,
My would have
You grant me permission to honor their after,
My life,
Our song,
Rolling honda hearse
For when I saw red
I left her at the intersection.
Your language,
A riverbed
Your clay,
I harvest
Fill my bucket,
Work desperately at the wheel,
Shape something.
You tell me
“Hold it,
Make it yours,
Give it no legs”
i want to believe that we grew up making whistles from the same long blades of grass
i know this
that she shines so bright that she leaves me glossy red
i am blinking black eclipses
i keep on looking up
it’ll come around
i’ll come around
i dreamt my teeth were falling from my gums
sprouting legs and scattering away
i think they must be running blind
i grew them and their plaque
i heard the sound of their tooth parade chanting
“up up and away”
then it was just me
along with my empty mouth
and a tiny heart poorly stitched into my breast pocket